BCSC InvestRight
We provide investors with online tools and information to help them make wise decisions and protect themselves.
A key goal of the BC Securities Commission (BCSC) is to empower investors to protect their financial interests and become better informed about investment products and services.
About InvestRight.org
The InvestRight website provides investors with online tools and information to help them make wise investing decisions and protect themselves against unsuitable or potentially fraudulent investments.
Investor Outreach
In addition to InvestRight.org, we provide an investor education outreach program linked to the BCSC’s core enforcement and compliance work. We raise awareness throughout BC, and in particular among seniors, pre-retirees, and community groups who are the most vulnerable. We are also concerned about affinity fraud in BC’s religious and ethnic communities, focusing on BC’s Chinese and South Asian communities.
Our seminars teach investors how to do their own research, how to pick an investment advisor, and what questions to ask about investments.
Investor Protection
We highlight risky and sometimes fraudulent investments with Investor Alerts through our social media channels and blog, which is available in the Investor News section. You can also report an individual or investment that you feel may pose a threat to the investors through our online Complaint Form or by reaching out to the BCSC Contact Centre.
We fund InvestRight programs with money from penalties and fines imposed on individuals and companies that have contravened the BC Securities Act.