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Tracking Your Investments

Keep track of your investments to make sure they are still right for you.

At any particular time, the value of your investments may be up or down. If the market is falling, some or all of your investments will likely be losing value as well. If the market is rising, your overall portfolio should rise with it. Look at your portfolio’s performance and compare its performance from year to year to see if you’re on track towards achieving your goals.

If your portfolio is off track, work with your registered investment advisor to get it back on track so you don’t fall behind in your time horizon for realizing your goals. Beware if your investment advisor tells you that your portfolio is performing quite differently than the market.

Getting Information on Your Portfolio’s Performance

Your investment advisor’s firm must provide you with account statements every three months, or every month if you requested them or if you completed a transaction during the month. They must also provide you with an annual Investment Performance Report, similar to this sample report.

Know Your Investment Account Performance

Watch this video to learn more about what you will find on your annual Investment Performance Report.

The companies you invest in will send you information on your investments, unless you choose not to receive them. You can also find information about them by doing your own research. See the Researching Public Companies section to learn how to find information on individual investments and how to make sense of the documents you have chosen to receive.

There are also many services available online to track your portfolio’s performance.

Crypto Quiz

Test Your Crypto Asset Knowledge.

This quiz is designed to introduce you to the basics of crypto assets. It is not intended to provide investment or financial advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for such advice.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are the same thing.