Alternative Investments
Stay informed on alternative investments, such as crypto assets, crowdfunding and real estate, so you can understand how to best approach them.
Crowdfunding is a form of financing a company. Start-ups can use crowdfunding to raise money for operations, expansion, and more.
Crypto Assets
Crypto assets are digital assets that use cryptography (a method to secure data), peer-to-peer networking, and a public ledger to create, verify, and record transactions.
Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange or forex is traded around the world in a decentralized market based on simultaneously buying one currency and selling another.
Hedge Funds
A hedge fund is an investment fund that uses advanced investment strategies, and invests in just about anything.
Promissory Notes
A promissory note is an unconditional promise made by a borrower to pay interest and repay borrowed money by a specific date or set of dates.
Real Estate-based Securities
Real estate-based securities represent an indirect investment in something related to land.