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Investment Caution List

The BCSC publishes a list of unregistered and unqualified investments being offered in British Columbia.

Investment Caution List

In a global information economy, investment solicitations can come from anywhere in the world. The BC Securities Commission (BCSC) takes a proactive approach to help protect BC investors by publishing an Investment Caution List. This list provides investors with the names of:

  • Unregistered foreign brokerage firms that have solicited BC investors to open trading accounts
  • Businesses from other jurisdictions that have solicited BC residents to buy unqualified investments
  • Businesses connected, or purporting to be connected, to BC that have solicited investors in other jurisdictions to purchase unqualified investments

The Investment Caution List does not identify all unregistered activity or unqualified securities being promoted in the province. In compiling the Investment Caution List, the BCSC relies on information it receives from the public or other agencies. Before adding any name to the list, the BCSC assesses the information and confirms that the business or individual is engaging in this type of activity.

Investors can learn more about the Investment Caution List on bcsc.bc.ca or report suspicious investments to the BCSC.

Investment Caution List

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