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Investment Caution List: 22 New Additions

This image of a person holding a megaphone represents the BCSC warning British Columbia investors about unregistered activity or unqualified securities being promoted in the province.
The BCSC’s Investment Caution List identifies unregistered activity or unqualified securities being promoted in the province.

The BC Securities Commission’s (BCSC) Enforcement Division has added 22 new entries to the Investment Caution List since our last post in September 2020.

Exercise caution when dealing with firms that are not registered to trade or advise on securities in BC, and when dealing with companies that are not registered to issue securities. Investors should also be wary of companies claiming to have products or services that will prevent, detect, or cure COVID-19.

We encourage you to keep an eye on the BCSC’s Investment Caution List, which identifies unregistered activity or unqualified securities being promoted in the province.

Below are the latest additions to the Investment Caution List.

Companies Not Registered to Trade in or Advise on Securities or Derivatives in BC


Marketscap claims to be a cryptocurrency based trading platform located in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and offers several types of accounts with different rates of return.


FalconFxOption claims to be based in New York, and claims to be “one of the leading platforms in the United States offering binary options, Forex and spreads.”

Everest Coins Invest

Everest Coins Invest claims to be located in the UK, and offers plans for cryptocurrency investment.


Bitstakers claims to be located in Georgia, Atlanta, and offers cryptocurrency mining and trading.

World Markets

World Markets claims they provide trader-operated Artificial Intelligence managed trading accounts.

Nimble Options Technologies Ltd.

Nimble Options Technologies Ltd. or (Nimble Options) claims to be based in London, UK, and offers investment plans in trading contracts-for-difference (CFDs) on cryptocurrencies.

Penz Trades

Penz Trades purports to be based in Amsterdam, and offers investment plans in cryptocurrency trading.

Alma Group Co Trading Ltd.

Alma Group Co Trading Ltd. claims to be headquartered in Vancouver BC and offers forex trading services through an online portal. It claims to provide forex managed account services.

Crypto-Miner Ltd.

Crypto-Miner claims to be located in Lincolnshire, Illinois, and offers investment plans with different rates of return.


Skycapital claims to be based in St. Vincent and Grenadines, and it also claims to offer forex trading accounts.

Fx Stock Trade Income

Fx Stock Trade Income claims to be located in London, United Kingdom, and offers trading services on crypto assets, foreign exchange options and commodities.

Avariz Group

Avariz Group claims to be located in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and it also claims to offer accounts for trading in forex, stocks and cryptocurrencies.


ExpressOptions247 claims to have offices in Canada and the US, and it claims to offer plans for investment in forex, binary options, and cryptocurrencies.

Cash Forex Group (CFX)

CFX claims to be based in Panama, and it claims to offer forex trading services through its online portal. claims to be registered in Seychelles, and it claims to offer investment plans in cryptocurrency trading.

Ebitcoino Limited

Ebitcoino Limited claims to be based in the United Kingdom, and it claims to offer investment services in cryptocurrency trading.


CloudForexOptions claims to be located in Miami, Florida, and claims to offer plans for investment in cryptocurrencies. claims to offer different plans for investment in gold mining projects.

Condor Finance Corp.

Condor Finance Corp. claims to be located in Vancouver, British Columbia  and claims to be an international investment services company.

Condor Finance Corp. and are not related, in any way, to a BC incorporated company with the same name. Condor has used information from the BC incorporated company to advertise to BC residents.

Xtelus Profit

Xtelus Profit claims to be a New York based broker dealer and investment bank, and it also claims to offer different investment packages for their clients.


SENbit claims to be based in Thailand and have service centers in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, China and Macao. It claims to offer an online cryptocurrency trading platform that BC residents can use to trade in cryptocurrency.


Ksgmarketsworld claims to be located in the United Kingdom, and it claims to provide foreign exchange and CFD brokerage services.

Report a Concern

If you suspect an individual or company is engaging in this type of activity, contact BCSC Contact Centre immediately at 604-899-6854 or 1-800-373-6393 or through e-mail at [email protected]. You can also file a complaint or submit a tip anonymously using the BCSC’s online complaint form. is the BC Securities Commission’s investor education website. Subscribe to receive email updates from BCSC InvestRight.

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