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Investor Alerts

Canadian securities regulators use Investor Alerts to assist people in doing their due diligence when making investment decisions.

BCSC Investor Alerts

From time to time, the BC Securities Commission (BCSC) will issue an Investor Alert to warn the public of a possible investment scam that may be affecting you or people you know. In addition to posting the Investor Alert on BCSC InvestRight, BCSC staff discuss these public warnings in the media to raise awareness about the possible fraudulent investment scheme. We also blog about Investor Alerts and discuss them in our province-wide seminar program.

If you would like to receive Investor Alerts in your email inbox, subscribe to the BCSC InvestRight newsletter.

CSA Investor Alerts

Investor Alerts are issued by members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) on a regular basis. The Investor Alert List is a list of CSA members’ investor alerts and is intended to assist the public and the securities industry in conducting due diligence. The subjects of these alerts are persons and/or companies who appear to be engaging in securities activities that may pose a risk to investors.

Sign up for the CSA’s e-mail subscription services for immediate notice of additions to the investor alerts.

Recognize, Reject, & Report Investment Fraud

If you have been approached or know of an investment that fits the description detailed in one of our Investor Alerts, contact your local provincial securities regulator immediately.

In BC, you can report suspicious activity anonymously through the BCSC’s online complaint form or BCSC Contact Centre.

Residents from other Canadian provinces or territories can find contact information for their local securities regulator at

Crypto Quiz

Test Your Crypto Asset Knowledge.

This quiz is designed to introduce you to the basics of crypto assets. It is not intended to provide investment or financial advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for such advice.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are the same thing.