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Investor education, and research about Canadians’ knowledge and attitudes, are essential to effective investor protection.

Through research, the BC Securities Commission (BCSC), and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) are trying to understand Canadians’ investment knowledge, understanding of financial concepts like savings and budgeting, and experience with fraud and unsuitable investments.

BCSC Investor Research

DIY Investing – 2024 National Study

The latest BCSC research explores the attitudes, behaviours and trends of do-it-yourself investors and why some Canadians choose to manage their own portfolios instead of working with a financial advisor.

Emerging Adults and Investing – 2022 National Study

The BCSC research looks at how younger Canadians aged 18 to 24 are different from older adults when it comes to investing.

Investing in an Online World – 2022 National Study

BCSC research reveals Canadians’ online behaviours, attitudes, and investing trends.

Investing and FOMO – February 2021 Omnibus Questions

The results of an online survey conducted in February 2021 in British Columbia on Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Findings show that younger adults and those who experience FOMO are more likely to think social media is a good place to find investment opportunities.

Investing During COVID-19 – July 2020 BC Investor Research

Key findings on financial impacts related to COVID-19 and concern about impacts. Findings show that non-investors and younger adults are more likely to experience negative financial impacts related to COVID-19.

Fraud Highlights Report – 2019 National and BC Investor Research

Findings from this national study show that fewer than half of British Columbians recognize all of the warning signs of investment fraud.

2019 National and BC Investor Research

Findings from this national study show that Canadians, even those who have investments, have trouble seeing themselves as investors.

Investor Readiness for Better Investing (Part 4)

Findings from this study show a steady increase in investment fee knowledge since the first CRM2 reports were provided to investors in 2017, plus new insights into millennial investors.

Investor Readiness for Better Investing (Part 3)

This part of the study shows that the new CRM2 fee reports have produced a positive overall effect on investor knowledge and behaviour.

Investor Readiness for Better Investing (Part 2)

Findings from this study show that BC investors find value in their new CRM2 fee reports because the reports are easy to understand and they help investors learn about the fees they pay for the investments they hold.

Investor Readiness for Better Investing (Part 1)

This study confirms that BC investors need to learn more about investment fees, including the types of fees they pay and how much they pay their advisor. It also showed that investors with smaller portfolios are less informed, less satisfied, and less likely to communicate with their advisors.

Smarter Investor Study: BC Report

Findings from the national Smarter Investor Study from the BC Report showed that while most British Columbians agree they have responsibilities when it comes to investing, many neglect those responsibilities.

National Smarter Investor Study

In this study of 2,407 Canadians, the BCSC generates new understanding and insight into client knowledge and perceptions about investing among Canadians aged 35 and older, with a particular emphasis on probing their relationship with advisors in more detail than in the past. The study also introduces a new lens for understanding investing behaviour — personality.

British Columbia Investment Fraud Vulnerability Insights

This study goes beyond an examination of overall levels of vulnerability by testing a key example of each of the think, feel, and do principles, showing that each has its own distinct impact on vulnerability to investment fraud.

National Investment Fraud Vulnerability Report

This study looks past trust and examines who is most vulnerable to fraudulent investment offers and what triggers would motivate them to invest in one.

CSA Investor Research

CSA Investor Education Studies

Click here to view the latest investor education research conducted by the CSA.

Elder Financial Abuse – CSA National Survey

In 2021, the CSA conducted a national survey to understand how elder financial abuse impacts people across Canada. The survey results showed many Canadians could not recognize the signs of financial abuse.

Crypto Quiz

Test Your Crypto Asset Knowledge.

This quiz is designed to introduce you to the basics of crypto assets. It is not intended to provide investment or financial advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for such advice.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are the same thing.